Our boys are always drawing gear, weapons, shoes, etc. and have wanted to start a business for a few years. We finally found something that we can do b/c we already make these patch boards for ourselves.
We thought Etsy would be the best and simplest place to sale our custom products. You can visit our store here:
This is a perfect gift for anyone in or retiring from the military, law enforcement, gov contractor, Boy Scouts, or a military family. We are a Gold Star Family and have collected many morale/tactical/unit/club patches over the years. Our boys and I use this board to display our patches and to easily swap them out on our caps, backpacks, vests, packing cubes, and kit bags.
We plan to offer different sizes, colors and patch board stands in the future, along with custom patches.
Below is a short video showing the boards being made by the boys and the finishing touches by me.
This .25″ x 12″ x 24″ wooden board is coated with clear shellac wood finish and is made to lean up on a shelf or be mounted to the wall (mounting hardware and patches not included).
Comes with black loop velcro tape applied on one side for easy attachment of patches of any size with a hook back side.

By supporting our Etsy store, you are supporting very young entrepreneurs who are pumped to sell their product(s) online.
Here is our Etsy store link: https://jupiterpatchboards.etsy.com
We hope your enjoy your board because we not only make them, but use them in our home.

Another use for patches–and this one below is our custom patch, perfect for missionaries and/or church:
The patch in the video above is available in our Etsy store too: https://jupiterpatchboards.etsy.com