Was ranked an Amazon Best Seller in three categories at launch:
Personal Growth & Inspiration
Military & Spies
From Kirkus Reviews:
A tribute biography to an Air Force combat controller killed in Afghanistan.
In this intimate debut, told from the author’s point of view but filled with reminiscences by others, Forester thoroughly explores the life, service, death, and legacy of his brother and best friend, Senior Airman Mark Andrew Forester, shot through the heart while trying to reach a fallen comrade on Sept. 29, 2010. Mark grew up in a small Alabama town, the youngest of five children in a middle-class Mormon family. A carefree childhood of hunting, four-wheeling, rock climbing, and video games helped him hone skills he’d later use as a combat controller, fighting alongside ground troops while coordinating close air support. Patriotism, faith, and resolve came naturally to him. When the attacks of 9/11 occurred in the middle of his two-year LDS mission service, the 20-year-old found a new calling: “God wants me to kill terrorists.” He first went to college, then enlisted. Reprinted Air Force fact sheets describe the grueling three-year training regimen to become a combat controller, which should convince any reader of the discipline required. His Bronze Star testifies to his valor, and individuals from childhood, church, college, and the military bear witness to Mark’s exceptional commitment to his ideals, family, and friends. The telling is one only a brother could achieve. Thad’s collaboration with wordsmith Glencoe is seamless in style, tone, and clarity throughout as they effectively weave small personal experiences into a coherent tapestry of Mark’s character. The book excels at showing how combat deaths affect families, friends, and fellow service personnel and how such losses can inspire others. Accounts of battles in Uruzgan Province are poignant and detailed, providing context often lacking in media coverage of U.S. fighting there, but this is not a book for those seeking broad discussion of U.S. military policy or varied viewpoints on the war. The book’s sole mission is eulogy, and its reflection of Mark’s unambiguous and unquestioned duty to God and country will have wide appeal, especially with military families.
Succeeds as both individual homage and in enlarging appreciation for military sacrifice.
From Military Writers Society of America:
Earlier today, in Afghanistan, US Air Force Combat Controller, Mark Forester, your brother, your son, in service to his country, gave his life.
The story begins with the notification, with some details of how Mark died, and how his body returned. Flash backs develop Mark as a child growing up in family, faith, and friends. These shape him, and, as a man, lead him to volunteer for assignment to an elite front-line combat unit. After receiving the news, and the body, the family struggles to cope with their loss, but through the funeral and memorial services, they encounter Mark’s expanded family, which includes his comrades in arms.
My Brother In Arms is an intimate and moving portrayal of what a serviceman gives and what his family loses. And isn’t it both the former, and how the family deals with the latter, which makes the nation what it is?
Anonymous Special Forces Captain:
Be Like Mark! “My Brother in Arms” is a truly touching and inspirational look into the life of an American Hero. This book is written in such a way that the reader gets a very personal look into some of the effects Mark had on the people he met during his life, his heroism on the battle field, and his total commitment to his values. I am a member of the US Army Special Forces and currently working as an ROTC Instructor; training the future leaders of the Army. I am adding this book to my recommended reading list for my Cadets, as an example of the type of warrior, leader, selfless servant, and man they should strive to emulate.
From Amazon reader:
A rare, personal and authoritative glimpse into one of the many, many lives that was willingly sacrificed to pay the Price of Freedom.
Mark Forester’s story, as told by his brother Thad, illustrates the phenomenal transformation of Mark A Forester described by those who knew him as principled, kind, gentle, easy-going, fun, humorous friend, to an Elite Military Air Force Combat Controller who believed he was placed on the earth to “kill terrorists”. My Brother in Arms allows readers to know Mark, understand his background, history, motives, appreciate the relationships of those who loved him, illustrate his skill & bravery as a warrior, as well as his fateful last battle which took place on Sept 29, 2010.
Gone but not forgotten, Mark A Forester’s story is bound to become a classic tale of patriotism, honor, sacrifice, love of nation and triumph.
You will be a better person for knowing who Mark was and therefore it is a must read!
From Amazon reader:
A beautiful insight of the characteristics of the warrior elite and their families. I read the whole book in less than 24 hours.